Complete maintenance on a 34mm FOX fork.
The operation of the compression and rebound positions is checked before proceeding to the removal of the fork.
The bottles are disassembled, the topcap, the stem in the air chamber and the oil cartridge are disassembled. We proceed to the cleaning of all the elements in Bio Circle machine and proceed to check the condition of the same. The possible clearance of bushings is checked.
The x Ring gasket of the air stem is replaced, the hydraulic cartridge oil is replaced and purged with specific vaccum ANDREANI machine. It is checked that there are no leaks.
The seals are replaced by low friction seals SKF, Racing bros or Nd tuned according to the customer's request and the lubrication oil of the bars is filled.
Finally, the perfect operation is checked again by two technicians.
Shipping not included.
Prices for replacement of bushings, repairs of hydraulic cartridges and Na2 cartridges and felling not included